Computers are used in different fields such as medicine, military, business, education, research etc. Education is one of the main areas where these devices are widely used. The use of computers and other devices has made learning to become extraordinary as well as more interesting and enjoyable. The use of computers has a lasting effect on both the learners and the teachers. There are tremendous applications and programs which have developed to make the learning process more effective and efficient. These apps are readily available.
A resourceful or a creative teacher can use them to network with the other teachers in the different parts of the globe. This has helped in facilitating the teaching process by making it more real, authentic, and global. However, there are some disadvantages which are associated with the usage of these devices. Let us take a look at the pros and cons.
It is an important teaching tool
As a teacher, you can use computers to present a procedure or a video of a process. This will help the teacher in explaining some of the concepts which students find being hard to master. Computers are also used by teachers in planning for their next lessons, constructing test questions and grading the submitted tasks.
Enables the teacher to conduct individualized lessons
Every classroom will have learners with different abilities. You will have the slow, fast, and moderate learners. A creative teacher is supposed to create different learning stations for the different pupils; a desktop or a laptop can be one of the great tools in facilitating learning. You can use these devices for uploading/downloading, viewing or researching for files.
In class, you present your content using videos, while some of your students are playing manipulative or even hurdling tests. Some of the advance students can also use them in doing remedial instructions thereby assisting the challenged readers.
Limited teaching time
If you do not have short videos, you can end up eating your whole lesson. This means that teachers should use these devices wisely. Otherwise, the use of technology is not meant to reduce the engagement time.
Need to teach important navigating skills
The use of computers in teaching means that you will have to teach your learners some of the basic skills such as using the cursor, connecting a printer, shutting down/booting up, making slides among others. Failure to teach these skills can frustrate your learners.